blog & recipes

Veganease Cookbook Giveaway!

Veganease Cookbook Giveaway!

We've talked a lot about the prolific and fantastic Laura Theodore aka Jazzy Vegetarian and it's for good reason! She's done so much for people who already are vegetarian or vegan or want to get that way. Laura's specialty, in my opinion, is veganizing classic dishes...

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Vejje – A Cut Above the Rest + a Giveaway!

Vejje – A Cut Above the Rest + a Giveaway!

Vejje is a Colorado grown plant-based meat and I am so proud of what my friends Doug Meier and Kris Giovanini have done to bring it to market. I’ve cooked with Vejje many times and it’s a super fun product to work with. That's why I'm telling you all about it today...

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5 – Ingredient Vegan Cookbook Giveaway

5 – Ingredient Vegan Cookbook Giveaway

I could make a recipe from this cookbook every single day! Each recipe is perfect for, I'd say, for all of us who are generally crunched for time and looking for healthy meals that are quick, easy and full of flavor! 5 Ingredient Vegan is the most recent cookbook by...

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Easy Meals For Great Brain Health

Easy Meals For Great Brain Health

As a follow on to my June post about foods to eat for great brain health, I’m writing today with some easy meal ideas which can help keep your brain extra sharp throughout your entire lifetime. As I mentioned, in my original post, the key to great brain health is...

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VegReady – Meals to Go Giveaway!!

VegReady – Meals to Go Giveaway!!

For 40 years, Mark Perlmutter ate a plant-based diet and encouraged his friends and family to adopt the lifestyle as well. For health, for animals, and for the environment. He was so passionate about the benefits of eating a diet solely sourced from plants that he...

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Grillo’s Pickles – The Best Pickles I’ve Tasted!

Grillo’s Pickles – The Best Pickles I’ve Tasted!

I tried Grillo's Pickles a few years ago and they are, hands down, the best pickle I've ever had. I wanted to give them a big shout out today and tell you about them too! If you haven't had a chance to try them, you really should. Grillo’s offers a variety of products...

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What To Eat For a Healthy Brain

What To Eat For a Healthy Brain

June is Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month and is a time to bring awareness and show support for the millions of people worldwide struggling with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. According to the Alzheimer’s Association 5.7 Million Americans are living...

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